Thursday, February 17, 2005


Saturday I took a 3 hour trip to a town near Mansfield, PA in order to brief families of soldiers arriving from Iraq. There were parents, wives, and children present. As I was discussing how it is easier to say goodbye than the mixed feelings individuals have with soldiers coming back, I could tell that this was striking a chord with a woman in the group. Apparently, she has ambivalent feelings on her husband's return because there was a history of abuse in their already short marriage. Then after a tour in Germany after the birth of one child, the soldier volunteered for duty in Iraq after the birth of a second child. We talk about how time and distance don't always solve marital problems. I also shared some resources with her of which she was already aware. Basically, the feelings and the unresolved issues are taking the front stage now.

Later I conducted another briefing in Lewisburg. Within the group there was a wide range people waiting for their soldiers. There were parents whose youngest had gone to Iraq and whose older child was religiously changed from his experience in Desert Storm. There was a wife of a sergeant who had experienced deployment before. And there was the twin who was waiting on his returning brother.

Both of these units had seen serious action and loss of life, so family members are anxious to see their loved ones. As they anticipate arrivals, there are many like myself who anticipate leaving. Goodbyes are being said once again. Tomorrow I pack the car and head to SC in order to complete the chaplaincy training.


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